With a turnout of over 2000 people at this years Internetix conference hosted by Internet Solutions, it was a major success and one too keep an eye out for in the near future.
Some of the guest speakers included:
Tyer Reed - Founder of TinyImpact
Justin Spratt
Roy Blumenthall
Mark Gevisser
The hot topic of the year this year seemed to have focused around Social Media Marketing, using the likes of Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools to your advantage in the online space and VOIP.
It appears as though the aim of most technological companies is to move all communication, whether it be landlines or cellphones to VOIP. Cheaper, more cost effective communication networks.
The sponsors this year included:
Attix 5
Dimension Data
Apologies if I've left anyone out but I seemed to have misplaced my pamphlet!!

After a 12 hour session of selling Search engine optimisation and digital marketing to the masses, TrafficFundi retired to the all night pub & dinner with a great rounding off by the South African rock band "Watershed".
All in all a very successful day!Hopefully the TrafficFundi TEAM did their part in getting our name out there.
Thanks to all of you - Randy Ronnie, Sexy Steve, Jumpin Justin, Aaard workin Adi, Crazy Chris, Toy toy Thuli and the SPANKERS - who've assisted in making TrafficFundi a reality.
Below I've added some photo's of the TrafficFundi team @ Internetix.